Saturday, August 8, 2009

29 week appointment

I had an appointment with my midwife this morning. She had me fast for 12 hours and did a fasting draw and then I drank the glucola and she drew my blood at the one hour mark. She will have the results in a couple days so I will post that when I know more. We went over some paperwork and history and had a normal check-up.

~BP was great, 102(I think)/63

~No protein or glucose in urine

~Measuring at 30 weeks, only a week ahead but that's what I've been measuring at so it's good that it's consistant.

~Baby's HR was 130's-140's, she had to search around for it for like 15 minutes though, he was being so stubborn, he was kicking around all the while she was trying to find his HB! I think his back was facing my back, so it made it hard to find it.

~Baby is head down, which is good.

~Get ready for this....I lost 3 pounds! How is that possible? But whatever, my midwife wasn't worried, she actually told me "You're doing great on your weight gain" so now I am back to 10lbs gained for this pregnancy, I'm happy about that!

So it was a great appointment I go back in on the 17th, yay for appointments every 2 weeks! I'm getting closer!!!

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