Monday, August 24, 2009

30 weeks pregnant! 10 weeks left!....Or maybe 12? Or maybe 7?

Wow, I can't believe I made it this far! I am about 75% of the way through my pregnancy! Here's what's up this week:

Fundal height: I measured at 32 1/2 weeks this week so still measuring a bit ahead but I have measured a bit ahead this whole pregnancy.

Total weight gain 10-13 pounds, it has been fluctuating between the two weights, depends on the time of day.

Blood Pressure: 120's over 60's or 70's, I can't quite remember, but it's good.

Fetal Heart Tones: 140's and 150's, he was wiggling around in there getting his exercise!

Complaints/Ailments from me: Loose joints, pelvic pain/pressure, mild indigestion, frequent, very intense Braxton Hicks contractions, back ache....all the "normal" stuff I guess!

Baby Boy's Positition: At the appointment he was head down, but he has been flipping around alot.

Next Appointment: August 31st @ 6:30pm! I am getting very excited about being so close!

Still no "definite" name...I think we will just keep it a secret till he is born, if we figure it out before then, lol, maybe, we aren't sure yet....

I keep wondering when this little guy will make his appearance, if he will be an early bird(not likely) or a late-bloomer(more likely)? I had several first trimester ultrasounds which are supposedly accurate to about 7 days so my "due" date is give or take 7 days I guess, I just wonder though, since this pregnancy has been such a wild card, what kind of a loop this little boy is going to throw us for, I'm sure he has a few more tricks up his sleeve for us!

1 comment:

  1. YAY only 10 weeks left, not bad.. it will go fast!
    I thought for sure Shiloh was going to be over due, but he was born 2 days before his due date... lol.. so you never know!
